Synchronize a menu with your page hierarchy

WordPress's menu feature is a fantastic way of creating a hierarchical menu, but unfortunately you still have to keep your pages in their own, separate hierarchy, using a horribly cumbersome interface, or a special plugin. The code snippet below will … [Continue reading]

Automatically add Lorem Ipsum text to blank WordPress pages

If you're creating a new Wordpress theme, it can be helpful to have some filler text in your pages. The snippet below adds a few paragraphs of lorem ipsum text to any blank post or page by filtering the_content. The text is retrieved from the … [Continue reading]

Changing the settings for Genesis Reponsive Slider to allow multiple slideshows

Out of the box, the Genesis Responsive Slider can only be used in one way on your site because it's options are set in an options panel. However, you can hook in to every setting, to create different sliders on different pages (although this code … [Continue reading]

Caching a downloaded file

It's often useful to download external files such as RSS feeds, Twitter feeds and so on. But you'll also want those files cached, so that you're not downloading them on every page view. Thankfully, WordPress provides two functions that make … [Continue reading]